Unitarian Universalist Community of Cambria
Unitarian Universalist Church of Cambria

786 Arlington St. - Cambria, CA 93428 - 805-395-4055
Sunday Service at 10:00am
Dear UUCC Member -
As you may have heard in announcements made on June 28, a comprehensive set of amendments to the current ByLaws were written, then thoroughly scrutinized by a Board-appointed task team (Dolores, Jeff, and me), reviewed by the Board, and finally, approved to be put before the Membership for an all-member vote to adopt these proposed ByLaws amendments.
You have over 30 days to use the summary sheet attached below as a guide to read through the proposed ByLaws amendments. The current ByLaws is attached for your convenience as a means to reference existing text.
The Board understands that reading this kind of material does not provide the same level of excitement of interest as does a good mystery novel, however, this set of ByLaws (and all other ByLaws) is the authorizing contract between you and the Board, establishing the terms and conditions by which the Board serves you, the community.
The summary sheet will walk you through the document's amendments--all other portions of the proposed ByLaws are carried over from the current version. Perusing the proposed ByLaws amendments beyond the virtual tour hosted by the summary sheet is not necessary, but certainly not discouraged.
As you review this document, please keep the following in mind:
- The membership vote to adopt these proposed amendments will commence at the membership meeting called for Sunday, August 2 immediately following the service.
- The Board passed a resolution to establish a simple majority of the entire membership to adopt this proposal. The membership currently stands at 50, therefore, it will take 26 ayes to pass this referendum or 26 nays to defeat the referendum However, the NEC will tally all 50 votes.
- The entirety of the proposed ByLaws (June 2020) will replace the entirety of the current ByLaws (April 2019). Keep in mind, over two-thirds of the April 2019 content remains intact (just formatted differently).
- You are welcome to seek clarification or express concerns about any aspect of the ByLaws during the next 30 days, both current and proposed, with any member of the Board or task team (see below).
- Finally, after what we feel has been a thorough vetting process, this proposal was authorized for release to the membership by the Board. This means you will be voting on what is attached below. There will be no negotiating or brokering these amendments as they stand. If you are unclear about something, please ask. If you disagree with anything in there, and it passes your level of egregiousness, then you have the ability to vote nay.
- The UUCC Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Treva Boyce - President
Joel Cehn - Vice President
Susan Landau - Treasurer
Lou Petelka - Secretary
Margaret Randall - Member-at-Large
Mary Schwalbe - Member-at-large
Jeff Walters - Member-at-large
ByLaws Task Team
Dolores Miera
Randy Schwalbe
Jeff Walters