Unitarian Universalist Community of Cambria
Unitarian Universalist Church of Cambria
786 Arlington St. - Cambria, CA 93428 - 805-395-4055
Sunday Service at 10:00am
Building Community
The Unitarian Universalist Community of Cambria offers many opportunities to grow spiritually, be challenged intellectually and to develop friendships. Joining one of the many committees or social groups is a wonderful way to become better acquainted with members and friends of the UUCC and to put our UU values into practice. Explore and discover all the various activities at our church.
Potluck Group
A pleasant way to get to know other church members is by attending our potluck dinners. Conversation and food are plentiful. Check the newsletter for Potluck dinners. Come and enjoy an evening of food and fellowship.
Social and Environmental Justice
The Social and Environmental Justice group supports and coordinates activities that promote social justice and are relevant to our Seven Principles. As a member of the team you'll be helping to develop and implement our congregation’s programs. A few of our current projects include: Working with the SLO Food Bank at their San Simeon location, participating in the Adopt-a-Highway program, raising money to support UUSC programs such as Guest at Your Table and working in cooperation with local environmental and social services organizations on existing projects and special events. For more information call (805) 395-4055 or e-mail uuccambria@gmail.com
Social and Environmental Justice at UUCC
The Social and Environmental Justice Committee meets quarterly to discuss our various commitments within the community of Cambria and more broadly in the world. We welcome you to join us.
Below are the members of the Committee and the organizations they represent to the congregations as liaisons.
Wayne Attoe—Greenspace; Friends of the Elephant Seal
Judy Butler—Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation
Janet Cooper—CANS Board Member, SLO Food Bank site for San Simeon, Highway Cleanup Crew
Catherine Lekich—American Legion and Women’s Auxiliary; Restorative Justice Partners; LINK
Lou Pitelka—SLO Land Conservancy; Friends of the Elephant Seal
In addition, many of our congregational members do work with Friends of the Fiscalini Preserve; the Forest Committee, the Pacific Wildlife Center, and various other environmental organizations. Sue Davis organizes the Nature Club through Greenspace for adults and children through a monthly nature walk to hone observational skills.
Women's Discussion Group
Please Come and Join Us!
The UUCC offers a Women’s Group that meets the first Monday of each month from 2:00 -3:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. We would love to have you join us if you are interested in going a bit deeper with discussions and topics. We like to take turns leading the group and the leader of the group each month usually picks the topic for the next meeting.
Joining a discussion group is a great way to get to know other women in our church community. Over time, participants often build deep connections with one another through the sharing and heartfelt discussions that take place during the meetings. We would love to have new members or friends of UUCC join us. If you are interested in joining the group, please email Diane DeMarco @ ddspirit55@gmail.com for more information or show up in the sanctuary on the first Monday of each month from 2-3:30pm.
Religious Education
UUs celebrate broadening their horizons. The Religious Education Committee currently offers two recurring events.
The second Wednesday of every month at 4:00pm, we meet on Zoom to view and then discuss a spiritually significant TED Talk chosen by a member. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81082508785
The fourth Wednesday of every month at 4:00pm, we meet in person at the UUCC Sanctuary for a UU related book reading and discussion. We pass the chosen book around the group circle, reading out loud, so no preparation is required. Just come to listen and share your thoughts. The UUCC Sanctuary is at 786 Arlington, Cambria, CA
We are open to suggestions for other ways in which we can enrich our UU community.
Contact us by email at uuccambria@gmail.com
Men's Discussion Group
The Men’s Discussion Group promotes friendship and community amongst the men of the UUCC.
Meeting days are the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 10:00am at the UUCC Sanctuary at 786 Arlington Street.
For more information call (805) 395-4055 or e-mail uuccambria@gmail.com
Hiking Group
Do you love exploring our beautiful natural surroundings on the Central Coast? San Luis Obispo County has a wide variety of trails ranging from white sandy beaches and coastal bluffs to mountaintops with panoramic views. The Hiking Group organizes monthly group hikes, annual campouts and backpacking excursions. To find a full list of trails in the area take a look at . For more information call (805) 395-4055 or e-mail uuccambria@gmail.com